lunes, 19 de mayo de 2014


* They appear very pretty, but I like more the one that have the effect and a small crop.
* The smile of the both girls is very cute and beautiful.
* WTF? I don't like that the selfie was taken inside of a bathroom.

Social Networks

This article talks about the concept of a social network, the characters that are part of it, and how it has become a way of increasing the social relations.

A social network is a social structure made up of a set of social actors (such as individuals or organizations) and a set of the dyadic ties between these actors. The social network perspective provides a set of methods for analyzing the structure of whole social entities as well as a variety of theories explaining the patterns observed in these structures.The study of these structures uses social network analysis to identify local and global patterns, locate influential entities, and examine network dynamics.

Computer networks combined with social networking software produces a new medium for social interaction. A relationship over a computerized social networking service can be characterized by context, direction, and strength. The content of a relation refers to the resource that is exchanged. In a computer mediated communication context, social pairs exchange different kinds of information, including sending a data file or a computer program as well as providing emotional support or arranging a meeting.

Taken from: WIKIPEDIA.

Cartoon Urban Tribes

South Park is a cartoon program where we can see the physical differences of the characters and the program shows many scenes including bullying and ideological differences.

Social Networks And Teenagers

Comments of my classmates:

*The social networks is another type of vice, like alcohol or drugs.
*Is more dangerous that we think
*The only good thing about the websides is knowing new people, but we have to be cautious with the information we post


In this article we are going to talk about urban tribes and the different kind of examples that we can see in the society and the general characteristics of the tribes.

Urban tribes are made up by groups of people – usually young, with a distinct common identity: the same appearance, the same identity symbols, the same rules, the same language, the same music… A whole ideology!

Some examples of urban tribes:

  • Manga
  • Goths
  • Emos
  • Heavies
  • Grunges
  • Punks
  • New Mods
  • Skaters
These tribes have many different ideologies: right-wing, left-wing, non-political or against globalization. Some of them are nearly extinct, and others in full expansion. But all of them are ruled by it own ideology.